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IBM Communications


Apertus Technologies, Inc

EXPRESS HLLAPI is a toolkit that enables application programmers to writesoftware that works with the EXPRESS HLLAPI libraries, providingautomated access to data and applications on the IBM host. Users canenjoy automated data transfer applications such as funds transfer andremote credit authorization systems.EXPRESS HLLAPI offers a powerful programmatic interface for accessing allthe advanced features of a 3270 emulation product. As part of ourintegrated family of 3270, 3770, LU6.2, and other communications softwareproducts, it allows an applications program to transmit and receive 3270data as if it were an interactive display station.Programs using EXPRESS HLLAPI can operate as a standalone UNIX process,or can work together with operators using 3278/9 terminal emulation with3287 printer emulation.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.4 Solaris x86 2.0

Apertus Technologies, Inc
Two Penn Plaza Suite 660
New York, NY 10121
Phone: (212) 310-4624